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About Us


Allow me to introduce myself, and our company, to you. My name is Brooke Robinson and I'm the founder and owner of Freeze Nums.


A couple years ago, my husband and I jumped on the food preservation bandwagon and bought ourselves a personal freeze drying machine. After drying all the usual suspects like fruit, vegetables and dairy, we discovered that we could freeze dry other things as well- things like CANDY! After a fair amount of experimenting and testing, we started sharing our goodies with our friends and family. To say it was a hit would be an understatement. 

My two kids started taking bags of our Rainbow Nums to school- selling our sugary snacks to all their friends between classes and at lunch. When they were unable to meet the demand of their peers they asked us to start making more (what inspiring little entrepreneurs). We also started getting requests from friends and family to produce enough for Christmas gifts, birthday parties, and more.  Before long, our little home freeze dryer couldn't keep up with our anxious, sugar-fueled following, so we decided to make the jump from a hobby to a business. 

My amazing husband owns his own successful company, and graciously offered me his expertise and experience in business, but simply didn't have the time to devote to my new pet project. So I went to my amazing family to recruit the help I would need. Richard, my younger brother was our first employee- between the two of us we took our little project and grew it into a company. We developed packaging, signed up for expos, and traveled the country to spread the word of our existence. We were greeted by all you lovely customers with enthusiasm and incredible amounts of support- enough so that we had to grow our team! Since then we have added Richard's lovely wife Lia, our dynamic sister McKell, our close family friend Justin, and finally our amazing new friend Jan.

So welcome, dear customers, to our exciting adventure. Thank you all for your support through our growth and development, and we look forward to many more successful years (and delicious new treats) with you all.

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